Friday, May 29, 2009

so the kitty below belongs to me. duh. her name is sachiko and for the first week she was the absolute best behaved kitty ever. i was reluctant to adopt a cat into my VERY SMALL apartment and was relieved when she didnt keep me up the first few nights:

however...she has since become more comfortable and less sick with whatever she had at that hell hole of a shelter i got her from. kitty meow meow is kitty loud loud. still, she doesnt claw my couch or do her peeps and poops anywhere but her cat box. also she is maybe the cutest cat ever and i love her. i just need a bigger apartment, or some ambien CR and ear plugs:

also she is really fat and you cant tell in these photos. they dont do her justice. im workin on some videos.


1 comment:

sputniksweetheart said...

im moving to the mission!!!!! love da kitty!