Sunday, February 3, 2008

groundhogs day is probably my favorite DAY, not holiday. fav holiday is reserved for thanksgiving. groudhogs is a really adorable idea. its on 2/2 which is the best and luckiest date of all time for me seeing how i love 222 etc blah blah blah blah. any mother fucking wayss, so yeah what better day for me to party on.

last night was great. i went to target and michaels and bought t's and puffy paint to make some groundhog day shirts to wear to the party, since i am a total fuggin goon. everyone was kind enough to humor me and participate in 90's craft hour and our shirts turned out pretty great. except for deb who was being sooo selfish with her MIGRAINE. i swear she is so selfish... poor kiddo :(


this is mine close up:


someone actually said to me last night , "people would buy that!" about my shirt. i wanted to reply with, "i know. people are fucking retarded."

so yeah the party was super fun and involved me becky and noel participating in a puppet show. i am a drunk tard and forgot to bring my camera so sadly there are no pictures. we ran out of crap to talk about so i started singing im a believer. pretty sure we covered most of the song with becky doing backup and noel making instrument sounds. i think thats how it went. yeah.. beckys friends are really nice and fun.

since i forgot my camera i took a million pictures when i got home. here are some:

this is becky and i looking sooooo pretty:


and this is noel talking to his boyfriend paul while simultaneously drinking some nasty effing haterade:


srsly. groundhog day is so cool.

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